About Me

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Hi. I'm Rodd. I am: husband of one; father of two; son; brother; co-worker; friend; child of God. This is a new endeavor for me. Here, I'll be sharing my thoughts and ideas, interests and passions. Whatever I'll write, I'll seek to give glory to the Highest. Come along for the ride!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Faith 101

Faith is a funny thing. Often, I think I have it figured out until something apparently tragic happens and I realize fairly quickly that I don’t. In fact, I’m not sure it’s something that we can figure out at all. My family has been through several trials in the last few weeks. We’ve had a death in the family, a break-in and theft, a lot of sickness, and the list goes on. I can’t say that my faith has been shaken by all of it but I found myself questioning why.

I think faith is hard for me because I’ve had to learn and continue to learn that I’m not in control. For someone like me, that’s not necessarily easy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a control freak or anything but I like a certain amount of structure and predictability. The manager in me knows that’s not always the best ideals to hold because change brings about growth and blah, blah, blah. But, you get the picture. I like organization. I like things in their tidy little boxes. I like to be in control.

Hall Photography
The reality is this; I’m not in control. He is. And in the midst of my doubt, He is still faithful. I’ve been through tough times before and I’ve learned these lessons before. I guess sometimes we can see clearly and other times it’s like we’re looking through the clouds to try and find the answers.

I continue to learn that God works in mysterious ways. Sometimes He makes it known to us; other times He doesn’t. In retrospect, these particular events have spurred some much needed growth in my life. I’m spending more time in prayer seeking His direction for my life. My wife and I are both praying and working through how best to be used by Him and in what capacity and ministries. Introspection and refinement are in place. I may have questioned why, but in many ways, I’ve received more blessings as a result. That is very humbling to me.

Our pastor posed this question last Sunday; “Are you involved in doing the will of God for your life?” I know I’m working toward that goal. That is my heart’s desire. I know it will take work. I know it will require faith and dependence in Him.

Are you striving to get there? Are you letting Him lead? Or, are you still trying to do it on your own?


  1. Good thoughts. You make me think: What are my ministries? Am I where God wants me? Am I ready to move out of my comfort zone if He requires it?
