About Me

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Hi. I'm Rodd. I am: husband of one; father of two; son; brother; co-worker; friend; child of God. This is a new endeavor for me. Here, I'll be sharing my thoughts and ideas, interests and passions. Whatever I'll write, I'll seek to give glory to the Highest. Come along for the ride!

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Gift

Photo Courtesy of the NEA
I recently received a gift. Not the kind you unwrap. Not the kind given by God, as in, a talent. Even still, it meant a lot to me. One evening, on a whim, I decided to look up the name “Fahlbusch” on YouTube. Much to my surprise, I begin to watch a video of my grandfather, Albert Fahlbusch, playing the hammered dulcimer. The year was 1981. He was 56.

I’ve done internet searches on my grandfather before. He had received the National Endowment of the Arts National Heritage Fellowship Award in 1984.  He was renowned in our part of the country and was known as “The Dulcimer Man.”  However, this had caught me off guard. This was the first time I had seen actual footage of him playing. This particular video was from the 1981 Dulcimer Expo in Clarkston, MI. It had only been uploaded 9 months prior by a man name Paul Goelz from Rochester Hills, MI.

I had a new mission; to find Mr. Goelz. I did a quick search on YouTube and discovered he had a website. I then sent him an e-mail describing how the video he uploaded was of my grandfather. Through the course of events, we were able to communicate through e-mail. I think he was just as excited as I was in that he was happy to know that some of his work had been found by family and he was more than eager to share. He then advised that he had a surprise...more video, this time from a wedding here in Scottsbluff. It had been shot on VHS broadcast equipment at the VFW in 1984. He volunteered to convert all of this to DVD and make copies for me! I advised that I would like to make arrangements to cover all of his expenses and he told me that no arrangements were necessary. He was glad that they were “coming home.” Another gift.

There was another reason that the finding of this video was so special. You see, I was the recipient of an earlier gift, several years ago. My grandfather passed away in 2005. At the time, my grandmother asked me which dulcimer I would like to have. I’m the oldest grandchild. However, I knew that there were only three and they had three children. In the midst of the trauma, she had not realized this. I knew she wanted to bless me with such an incredible gift but it would not have been rightfully mine.

A year or two later, I got a call from her. She wanted me to come over right away. I heard a story. A story about a time when my grandfather had traveled to California for an event where he played. A woman approached him and wanted to buy his dulcimer. He politely declined but told her that he would make her one. She would have nothing of that and persisted in purchasing the one that he had. The problem for him was, this particular dulcimer that he had with him was his favorite and he had no intentions of selling it. I guess she wore him down and he sold it to her. But, that’s not the end of story. She ended up with cancer and didn’t have much time left. One of her desires was to ensure that grandpa’s dulcimer returned to the family. Through the course of events, she sold it to my grandmother for $1.00 who in turn gave it to me.

The dulcimer he’s playing in the video? Yeah, that would be the one.

My grandfather came to faith much later in life. I wondered at times how strong his faith was. After he died, we found a journal of sorts. Most of the days simply said this; “Read a little Bible....Played a little dulcimer.” “Read a little Bible....Played a little dulcimer.”

I’ve come to understand just how much I learned from him. Hard work, dedication, commitment, passion and faith, just to name a few. In the end, there was no denying what his passions were. Faith, music and family.

These gifts have meant so much to me and yet there’s an even greater gift. The gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. I need to be constantly reminded of this, as do you. It’s easy to get excited and emotional with the gifts of the world, even ones as personal as the one I’ve shared. But, in the end, none of them can come close to comparing to the gift of God’s Son. I need to be responsible with sharing that gift with others as it’s the most important gift one can receive.

In the end, what will be written in your journal when your time draws to a close?

“Read a little Bible....Played a little dulcimer.”

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Faith 101

Faith is a funny thing. Often, I think I have it figured out until something apparently tragic happens and I realize fairly quickly that I don’t. In fact, I’m not sure it’s something that we can figure out at all. My family has been through several trials in the last few weeks. We’ve had a death in the family, a break-in and theft, a lot of sickness, and the list goes on. I can’t say that my faith has been shaken by all of it but I found myself questioning why.

I think faith is hard for me because I’ve had to learn and continue to learn that I’m not in control. For someone like me, that’s not necessarily easy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a control freak or anything but I like a certain amount of structure and predictability. The manager in me knows that’s not always the best ideals to hold because change brings about growth and blah, blah, blah. But, you get the picture. I like organization. I like things in their tidy little boxes. I like to be in control.

Hall Photography
The reality is this; I’m not in control. He is. And in the midst of my doubt, He is still faithful. I’ve been through tough times before and I’ve learned these lessons before. I guess sometimes we can see clearly and other times it’s like we’re looking through the clouds to try and find the answers.

I continue to learn that God works in mysterious ways. Sometimes He makes it known to us; other times He doesn’t. In retrospect, these particular events have spurred some much needed growth in my life. I’m spending more time in prayer seeking His direction for my life. My wife and I are both praying and working through how best to be used by Him and in what capacity and ministries. Introspection and refinement are in place. I may have questioned why, but in many ways, I’ve received more blessings as a result. That is very humbling to me.

Our pastor posed this question last Sunday; “Are you involved in doing the will of God for your life?” I know I’m working toward that goal. That is my heart’s desire. I know it will take work. I know it will require faith and dependence in Him.

Are you striving to get there? Are you letting Him lead? Or, are you still trying to do it on your own?

Monday, January 17, 2011


Image: jscreationzs / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
I've been thinking a lot lately about my influence. Specifically, the influence I have on others. Even more specifically, how am I influencing others for the Kingdom? It's been an interesting few weeks as Nancy and have have been praying about and taking an introspective look at what God desires for our lives in the way of service. Obviously, we are called to serve others around us each and every day, but we've been looking at different things we could do in a ministry related setting.

I've often been interested in Leadership. It was one of the main reasons I went back to college in 2005 to get my Bachelor's degree. It was then that I read a book (for class) entitled "Developing the Leader Within You" by John C. Maxwell. One thing in particular stood out to me. He states: "Leadership is influence. That's it. Nothing more; nothing less." This has stuck with me the last several years as I've been in different jobs and served in different roles. It all comes back to influence. 

I've come to understand that influence doesn't require a degree, a position, or a title. It does require a willingness to be used. And that's my prayer. That I'd be willing to be used in whatever situation He places me in. And, to be more aware of those opportunities and act on them. I desire to be that Godly influence to my family, friends, co-workers and fellow members of the Body of Christ. I pray that I can be an effective servant in this area.

In what ways are you a Kingdom influencer?

Saturday, January 1, 2011


If you're like me and are looking to start a one year Bible reading plan, check out www.youversion.com. They have some great reading plans to choose from and a ton of Bible versions. You can also access them from your Android, iPhone or Blackberry smartphones for extra convenience. Our small group is looking to do this together and hold each other accountable for the next year in this effort. Go ahead and join us if you like. Looking forward to what God will do in 2011.
