About Me

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Hi. I'm Rodd. I am: husband of one; father of two; son; brother; co-worker; friend; child of God. This is a new endeavor for me. Here, I'll be sharing my thoughts and ideas, interests and passions. Whatever I'll write, I'll seek to give glory to the Highest. Come along for the ride!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The End or Just the Beginning?

Hall Photography
For the past 17 or 18 weeks, I've been taking a "Creative Use of the Computer in Ministry" class. It's been fun learning different tech related things, exploring thoughts and ideas trending toward all things digital, and . . . . growing as a blogger. That was not a result I necessarily anticipated. Blogging has actually been one of the hardest "requirements" for this course but in reality, I think I've grown the most from this activity.

Blogging has been something I've wanted to do for a few years now. I started a blog and had a few posts randomly here and there, but, I was never consistent at it. This course required us to have weekly blog posts (give or take here and there). For me, it's a journal of things I'm thinking about, or, working through. Most of my posts have been something close to the heart. A few have focused on current events. My hope from each has always been to spark some thought and discussion on how to help each other live Godly lives. This blog has done that for me. And for that, it has served it's purpose.

My hope is that I will continue in this venture called blogging. At times it will require me to force myself to write something. I hope you will take the time to ask me now and then how it's going, or, what I'm thinking and kindly suggest that I throw it out there' (Or, maybe just be blunt!) Thanks for reading thus far. I eagerly anticipate your comments and discussion in the future.


I've been working my way through the "Life Apps" sermon series that took place a few weeks ago at North Point Community Church. Today I listened to Part 4, The Rest App. The series is based on James 1:22 which states; "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." Part 4 is all about the idea of rest. God took a day of rest, why don't we?

In our crazy, fast-paced culture, we don't take the necessary time to rest. I'm as guilty of it as the next person, and, honestly, I'm pretty burned out in a lot of areas right now because of it. In this message, Jeff Henderson talks about how we are an exhausted society and this continued behavior is robbing us of the joy of life and it's robbing us emotionally, physically, relationally and spiritually. He goes on to talk about how our relationships with God and others are enriched when we are refreshed, energized and recharged rather than suffer due to being drained and lacking energy. One statement in particular stood out; "Your life moves to a better place when you move at a sustained pace."

That's so true but often we continue to think we can fit it all in or we're afraid we're going to miss something. Some of these things are even good things, but too much of it can rob us from being effective, joyful, and fulfilled.

Maybe this is something I should be paying closer attention to. Shortly after listening to this message, I read a blog post by our Youth Pastor that touches on a similar subject.

I suppose these two instances are further evidence that it's time to stop listening only . . . . and start doing. (And by doing, at least in reference to this post, that means rest and not more doing!)

Monday, May 2, 2011


He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation." That is the charge presented in the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 16, verse 15. 

Photo courtesy of www.parade.com
I recently read an article in Parade Magazine entitled; "2 EGGS, OVR EZ, HLD BCN." The premise of the article was about how some restaurants are allowing people to place their orders via text messaging. I was pleased to see that the article took a direction other than one I was expecting. At first, I thought that the article would detail advances in modern technology, but thankfully, it did not. Now I'm a huge techie nerd, but not everything should jump into the digital age.

This article went into detail about how human interaction is still necessary in our modern society. A subtle glance, an interesting fact, human emotion. These are all often forgotten in our crazy, online culture. It's easy to become isolated, even unaware. But, if we profess to be followers of Christ, we cannot isolate ourselves from the world. We must interact with and engage with it. We can proclaim Christ all day, online, from our homes, and there is a place for that. But, the world needs to see us living it out, in plain view. Maybe it's time we learn to go old school. That's the way Jesus did it.

A Celebration of Death

I couldn't help but read the Facebook and Twitter posts last night regarding the death of Osama Bin Laden. I had mixed emotions. While I agree that he was one of the most evil men in history, I found it hard to "celebrate" his death. So many were singing and chanting "USA" "USA" and yet I wondered what our response as Christians should be? Should it be celebratory? Would Jesus have celebrated this man's death?

Photo courtesy of www2.timesdispatch.com
One post in particular said only this: "Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles." Proverbs 24:17 (NASB)

One friend said it this way: "Not to be a kill-joy, but there's only one death I will ever celebrate and that's only because He didn't stay that way!" 

Another article I read said that the CIA watched the raid take place in "real time" from a conference room in Langley. I found that hard to swallow.

I'm sure the response is different from those that had a personal connection to 911. I'm sure the response is different from our Military brothers and sisters. I can't even say that I'm not happy that he's gone. I guess I'm just intrigued by the response.

I'm sure this is and will continue to be a heated debate. I'm not at all discounting the lives lost because of his actions. He was evil, plain and simple. I'm just wondering what the appropriate response should be? I also wonder what will happen now?
